25 April 2011

GIVEAWAY for Estylo Jewelry

Just for MOMS from

I will pick a winner on Mother's Day!

It is very easy to enter.

Just share this


on your blog and comment with your link below.

You can get an extra entry by fanning her page and saying FT sent you.

***** I will be combining entries from my FB fan page and picking one winner.

Don't forget  to check the link below to win the custom dress


  1. Posted it on facebook http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/profile.php?id=1266423535
    Carrie Seybt
    brucecl83 at yahoo.com

  2. Posted on my Blog http://truliefree.blogspot.com/2011/04/mothers-day-necklace-giveaway.html As well as facebook http://www.facebook.com/#!/aubinbryant

  3. I shared on Facebook:) https://www.facebook.com/#!/tanzyn.ambrose

  4. I shared on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=2024899

  5. I liked the Estylo page and shared the giveaway on my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/estylojewelry?sk=app_4949752878#!/profile.php?id=605877672

    Thanks for doing this giveaway, the necklace is beautiful and encompasses who I am! I hope I win. :)
    Alicia Peerson


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