12 April 2015

Win a 100 dollar shopping spree to Lookie Loo Loo!


Lookie Loo Loo!

My fans are soooooooooo lucky! 

Guess what???

Lookie Loo Loo is giving one lucky fan 100 BUCKS to spend in her shop! 


Did I say WOW??

Please show her some HUGE Forty Toes Love! 

We adore her to pieces. 

She even made my boys Christmas tees!!!

How cute were these??

Easy to WIN guys!

Like her FB page HERE , leave a comment on her page 

then make sure you tell us which size you need HERE! 

Can't wait??

Start shopping use code "FBfriends" for 15% HERE! 

Prior to Lookie Loo Loo, Erica worked as a marketing director for 

10 plus years. Her experiences have run the gamut from 

promotions in the number one radio station in Chicago, to a 

family recruiter for a foster care agency in Arizona and the 

first Community Manager for Memphis Yelp. After baby #2, she 

left the work place because there just wasn't enough time in 

the day! She fell in love with Etsy as a single female but once she

 had kids, Etsy became this brand new outlet for her. She spent 

hours on the site finding items to decorate both boys' 

nurseries. Her husband kept pushing her to open her own 

shop, and when she opened in February, she was doing cardstock

banners. She then took one sewing class and used Youtube to 

learn the rest. As a mama to two boys, she could never find

 anything stylish and fabulous for them to wear.

 She was so tired 

of cars, boats and sports themes. Once she got her sewing 

down with leggings and skirts, she jumped on the screen

 printing train. She hand screen prints everything you see in the

 shop right in her house. It's mass chaos, and always a fight

 for organization, but it works! She made the switch from Etsy to 

her own 

lookielooloo.com in 2015 and couldn't be happier with the 

new look!

Soooooooooooo head over and give her some 

Forty Toes LOVE! 

Giveaway ends April 14th!

Winner posted on FB!  


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