05 May 2010

Henry AKA Hank

I have a bond with  my oldest child that I just can not explain. I was 32 years of age when I had him. I was so excited to have him.  When he was in my belly they discovered he had kidney issues. He had to be induced and from there go through many many procedures and surgeries. He overcame so much and to look at him you would never know all that he went through the first two years of his life.

Well he says to me today "Mom how do you make yourself so pretty everyday? Your belly is sooo big and comfy." This is his idea of giving me a compliment. Too funny! What's a mom to do.

I took some more pics today. But note to self make sure your battery is charged before you drive to take pics. Not fun to get all set up and start only to run out of batteries.

                                              Cute top is from http://www.lilsproutsclothingco.com/.

1 comment:

  1. Henry is so handsome!! Love his smile & those gorgeous eyes!!! What an amazing mom you are to be so strong throughout all he went through in his first few years.
    I totally know what you mean about a special bond. Something about the 1st born, and boys and their moms. My Harrison had seizures as a baby. It was such a scary thing to experience- sometimes 10 a day, all the tests, procedures, trips to the ER via an ambulance....and we are blessed he completely outgrew them with no impact on his development at all. God is great!! Blessings to you this Mother's Day weekend and always Jenn!!!
    P.S. I have had the batteries run out before after packing the kids up to go & pick apples....2 pictures and a dead battery. LOL


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